You may have seen the commercial for the Walk-in Tub on T.V. recently, or maybe you’ve recently read a little snippet about it online.
The following will give you the information you need to know if you’ve considered purchasing one of these tubes for a loved one. The question in everyone’s mind is the following:
What exactly is a Walk-in Tub, and who can benefit from its use? A walk-in bathtub is the perfect solution, providing anyone suffering from the following illnesses with a pleasurable alternative to using a regular bathtub.
It is a bathtub made especially for people suffering from the abovementioned issues.
When you suffer from these issues, you are constantly worried about losing your balance. The Walk-in Tub takes that fear away.
The walk-in tub relieves the bather’s worries of falling as he/she tries to get into a regular bathtub. Once the walk-in tub is in place, that anxiety is replaced by calm.
This tub is perfect for anyone with a disability that prevents them from using the regular bathtub in their home. It is especially beneficial to elderly people who are having difficulty stepping over the side of a regular bathtub. See more of those who need a walk-in tub in your day.
Some Walk-In tubs are made especially for wheelchair-bound individuals; the Walk-In tub allows individuals to be transferred from the wheelchair to the tub with ease.
You can either purchase a free-standing Walk-In tub or a portable one. The main difference between a portable Walk-In tub and a regular Walk-In tub is that the portable Walk-In model can be moved to another location if necessary. The choice is totally yours.
The Walk- in Tub is straightforward to get into:
You can choose whether the door opens inward or outward, to the right or to the left. Getting into the walk-in tub is straightforward; all you have to do is walk in, sit down, close and latch the door, and have a nice, relaxing bath.
The door for a Walk-In safety bathtub is designed to seal shut so that no water escapes. If you are suffering from any condition that is affecting your muscle strength, there are a few models designed with this in mind.
These models are equipped with an easy latch to make the Walk-in tubs even safer. Some Walk-in tubs are made specifically for people who lack the muscle strength to close the door on their own.
The door to the bathtub is made with an easy-to-use latch to make it easier to close. Some walk-in tub models come with a seat, which will make the user feel as though they are giving themselves a treat. Some tubs have seats like the ones in fancy cars; you can either use a belt to lower the bather in and out of the tub, or you can use the powered seats and get fancy.
In choosing the tub you could choose between two types of material, I advised him to give a reading in our article, on the difference between the material of the tubs (Acrylic Tubs vs. Fiberglass Tubs).
Portable walk-in tub

Fixed Walk in Tub

The Walk tub, comes in the following models:
Air Bath, Bathtub. Combo massage and Whirpool styles give you the feeling of spending a few hours at a day spa.
The Walk-in tub is fantastic for anyone with balance issues, as it prevents them from feeling independent. Most seniors are placed into nursing homes due to balance issues they may have; they may have fallen while trying to get into the tub, and the fear of falling again has made them afraid of bathing.
The loss of balance can cause injuries that are very deadly to anyone, let alone a senior citizen. You can fall and hit your head, or you can break an arm or leg.
If you do fall, there is a possibility that you might fall on your face. If that is the case, you might split your lip, suffer an eye injury, a broken nose, etc.
Do you have Medicare? Read this article which tells if Medicare pays for Walk in Tub in your home. There are sporadic cases where they spend all costs!
As you get older, your body does not heal as quickly as it did when you were younger.
The easier you can make it for yourself, the better it is for you.